The Magic Flunkies’ What If!! Harry Potter part 1

In this first segment (and The Magic Flunkies first update of the year) of The Magic Flunkies’ What If, we imagine how a MMORPG would be like in the world of magic and wizardy.

Background Story

The game takes place way after Book 7. The World of Witchcraft and Wizardry is in turmoils again. The Death Eaters have risen in power in a couple of years and they managed to secure a huge following who believes in superiority of the pure-bloods.

Reports of muggles missing appear on the headlines everyday, paranoid grew among the wizardry world and everyone starts to wonder who’s the traitor among them.

As the Order of the Phoenix prepare themselves for war, the Death Eaters secretly found a way to rise Voldemort back from the grave again…

Character Customization

The character customization’s interface would be as user-friendly as The Sim2. While you can only be human in this game, there are a variety of customization to choose from.

Players start the game in Hogwarts, regardless of whether they choose to be in the Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters. PvP action starts only when you’re level 10.

All characters start off as a level 1 wizard/witch with only basic cantrips spells like lumos and wingardium leviosa. And they begin their adventure by completing basic tasks for the teachers. Basic tasks can be in form of running errands (ie, fetch me 10 feathers!) or can be in form of getting rid of vermins (ie, kill 10 rats in the basement). And they would gain experience points from these tasks to level up.

Leveling up in HP Online is similar to WoW. You got to find your teacher (trainer) and learn new spells.

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